As a highly versatile tool, QualityChecker has multiple possible applications – fully integrated into a NOA migration workflow or even as a standalone process. QualityChecker workstations are normally placed in separate rooms to provide optimal conditions for focused analysis of audio and video. Operators load QC tasks from the workflow engine's queue, process the task, then submit created metadata and forward files for further processing.
German technology. Calculating and presenting 100% exact values, frame-exact navigation and processing, excellent outputs.
The application provides a variety of tools, offering a holistic, thorough evaluation of every aspect of the loaded file.
Designed to enable technical annotation and splitting of full carrier-length recordings into content-based files - in a non-destructive way!
Quality assessment of digitization outputs, digitally born files, or files produced externally by a digitization service provider or 3rd-party content producer.
Support for additional data sources - ingest reports, 3rd party analysis tools or processors.
As a client application, QualityChecker operates under a per-workstation licensing model. Within an industrial digitization facility, conducting a precise analysis of necessary work steps is crucial for determining the anticipated job throughput and the corresponding time requirements each day. This analysis enables the precise specification of the required number of workstations for the project, ensuring seamless operations and the elimination of production bottlenecks.
Product brochure introducing NOA QualityChecker software
DOWNLOAD v2.0|11/08/2023